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Our Services

Simplified Process

Investigate our efficient workflow from request to title study delivery, all explained in clear and concise steps.

person standing near the stairs

Our Services

We offer Property Title Study services for different real estate transactions (Ex. Purchase, Inheritance, Segregation, Grouping and more.)

  • Commercial
  • Certification
  • Person Certification
  • Property Certification
  • and more...​

How does it work

1. Seleccione el servicio y Completa la solicitud en lineá.

2. Enter the property information.

3. Recibirá una notificación por email con sus credenciales de acceso. 

4. Once the study or certification is completed, you will receive access to the documents which contain the (registrations, folios, studies and results of state and federal embargoes)

woman in gray shirt sitting on chair

Data to locate farm

Búsqueda por Finca, Folio o Tomo.

Search number of CRIM.

Search name of Current Owner.

Search name of Past Owner.

Search land meassure.

Search by writing data.

Search by lot number.

There are other methods in case the client does not have the information of the farm or property.


The client sends the study request. 

black samsung android smartphone displaying icons


The customer makes the payment. 

Investigación & 


Se investiga el título de propiedad mediante las inscripciones.   

Report and Delivery