Online Validation


 Modo de Prueba 
Validación de Documento

Instructions for Reporting Validation Issues

  1. Visit Support: Access Estudio de Título Atención al Cliente.
  2. Complete a Ticket: Provide your certificate number, full name, a description of the problem, and your contact information.
  3. Submit the Ticket: Our team will review your case and contact you soon for assistance.

Instructions for Validating a Certificate

  1. Enter the Certification Number:
      Enter your certification number
  2. Validate the Certificate:
    • Click the 'Validate' button
    • The system will process your request
  3. Interpret the Results:
    • Successful Validation: If the validation is successful, the page will display the current status of the document, including the 'Stage' and 'Status' of the certificate .
    • Not Found: If a certificate with the number provided is not found, you will receive a message indicating that no studies or certifications were found under that certificate number.
    • Error processing your request: Your study has not been entered into the new title study system or this tool is in the maintenance phase.